Wednesday 16 December 2009

Hello Jenuine

I love going on the search for new Blogs, most of the time it's music but i've found a lot of good Art Blogs recently, this is one i've literally just come across.
It's 1:35pm and i'm still in Bed.

A very Illustrative Style with some nice soft pieces

What I particularly liked were here 'What I wore Today' images, a nice simple concept

Plus she has a t-shirt with a Lumberjack riding a fucking Bear to work, which is something I know i've dreamt about....
Everyone else would be pulling up in their shitty fords and i'm there strolling in on my hench as fuck Bear which would stop at my command, then i'd ask it to stand on it's hind legs and scare the shit out of everyone, then i'd steal their Sandwiches
ha, dicks.
oh, I digress I suppose...

Her Blog is one i'll be sure to keep an eye on, it's very brightly coloured and has a nice secure sense of Home about it.

I'm going to get up and go scan some things, first problem being...

getting up