Friday, 8 April 2011


This is the new SUPREME X NEW ERA range, and it's all terrible.
It represents for me the pinnacle of the extremely disappointing collaborations I have seen Supreme do recently
the collab they did with Thrasher, which could have been extremely exciting, was horribly bland
their new Vans releases were also not in any way exciting
I think the only redeeming items I have seen so far were the Playboy jackets.

With this i would have liked to have seen the new era cap - which in itself is an iconic thing - display a bit more amibition in it's attempt, the logo is just downright bad.
There is a lot of room for creativity with New Era collaborations and this one is lazy.

Someone please explain to me the hype behind this brand?
am I just not getting it?


andy cooke said...

nothing beats the good old box logo. it's pioneered so many logo and type styles within the skate/ streetwear scene.

there's been hype for years man!

now more than ever, it's all tyler's fault